San Diego’s Premier Domestic Violence Defense Firm

Accused Of Domestic Violence? Take These Steps To Help Your Case

Last updated on September 13, 2023

Things happen fast in a domestic violence case. The police arrive and separate the parties. After the arrest and a night in jail, the accused is kicked out of their own home and ordered to have no contact with the alleged victim, left with nothing but looming court dates.

At first, everything happens to you and it’s out of your control. But there are proactive steps you can take to begin to regain control of your life and your future.

How To Be Proactive After An Arrest For Domestic Violence

Get legal help right away — This won’t “blow over.” You may be prosecuted even if the alleged victim doesn’t want to press charges. You need to get the ball rolling with a skilled and proven criminal defense attorney. Early intervention is your best hope of getting the charges dismissed.

Get a lawyer who knows what to do — Defense lawyer Mark Deniz previously prosecuted domestic violence cases for many years and now focuses exclusively on domestic violence defense. He uses his ex-prosecutor insights to defend the accused, with an impressive record of dismissals.

Start building your defense —  The prosecutor is focused on one side of the story. You can help your lawyer tell your side. What started the incident? Does the victim have something to gain? Our legal team explores viable defenses against the accusations.

Put a face to the case — We take action to assemble a mitigation packet that we will present to the prosecutor, including character references and favorable evidential information. Our lawyers have cultivated close relationships with the prosecuting attorneys in the family protection division and our thoroughly prepared packets frequently convince them to drop criminal charges.

Adhere to the restraining order — Violating any of the terms of the temporary restraining order can harm your case, including attempts to reconcile or apologize to the victim. If you have something to communicate to the accuser, do it through your legal counsel.

Document everything — Write down your recollections of what happened before the police arrived. Save any text messages or other evidence of the accuser’s motives. Document any communications from the accuser, including messages delivered via third parties.

Take Action To Get Our Legal Team Working For You

We will take immediate steps to intervene with the prosecutor to try to get unfounded charges dropped. We will are prepared to mount a vigorous defense if the prosecution continues. Premier Domestic Violence Law Group has offices throughout San Diego County. For a free consultation, call 619-752-3702 or contact us online.