If you’ve been accused of domestic violence and related charges, the accuser may allege false imprisonment. There’s a very serious charge that means you held them somewhere against their will and restricted their ability to leave, despite having no authority to do so.
He said, she said
The problem with the situation like this is it could become difficult to determine who is telling the truth. You say that one thing happened; your partner says that another thing took place. What is the truth of the matter? Is it just that you both see the same events in different ways?
One important thing to remember is that they must prove they couldn’t leave and they were being imprisoned. Simply telling someone that there you don’t want them to leave is not enough to be a false imprisonment. You would need to actually make it impossible for them to do so against their will.
In any case, if you’re facing these types of charges over some sort of a miscommunication, you don’t want to let them ruin your life. Make sure that you are well aware of all the legal options at your disposal.